Sunday, January 8, 2012


I have been awful. horrible. terrible. at keeping up this blog. oops. No December posts at all and here we are approaching the mid-way mark of January :-/ I have started and not finished about 3 different posts though all regarding medical topics but I'm so OCD about being all-inclusive they all turn into a never-ending book so I'm going to try my best to get them sorted out and posted here in the near future for anyone out there in blog land who might care ;-)

Lots of people have been asking about our house so for an update, as of right now, we are set (again- fingers crossed!) to close on this coming Thursday. We are packing maniacs around here and fingers and toes crossed the unpacking will be taking place in our new home and not here in the condo ;-) Our whole home buying ordeal is a long post for another day but suffice to say Chris and I have both had a crash course in real estate and lending and we now know more than we ever cared to! So if you are the praying type, please say a few extra for us that God's will for us will be done as we approach the finish line of this home buying process and that we'll end up exactly where we're meant to be- be it there, here, or elsewhere!


  1. You know I stress about blog posts as well. Maybe for a little different reasons as mine are medical related. However, I want them to be perfect and sound perfect because I am crazy like that. I have realized though that I just have to go with it otherwise this whole blogging thing isn't fun anymore and isn't even worth it because it just causes stress. I say just go for it Libby, I am sure that what you have to say will be just right for the right person. And good luck with the house. I know it can be so frustrating and overwhelming.

  2. Hey Amber, thanks for the encouragement!! I appreciate it and you are SO right! I have to be careful sometimes or my OCDness can squelch the fun outta stuff for me ;) My most recent problem is how INSANELY busy we've been between the house deal and me starting a new job! I vow to be better though! (i always do, hehe, but i really am going to try!))))
